Chinnor Bike Day

1st-3rd June 2005
Wycombe MAG

This year was it's first at a new site. The advantage of this site for the organisers was that they had control over who could come in (had some problems last year with nutters riding around on quad bikes and I believe other problems associated with holding it in a public place). It also meant there was just the one small entrance for cars and bikes to go in and come out of - probably a bit of a headache for the marshals when it got busy. And it meant they could charge for entrance. £1 but there is now no charge for the evening party.

The site was quite large consisting of one large field with cordoned off areas. The largest bit was a empty bit in the middle that must have had a display in it at some point but I missed it. It was a bit of a squash getting all the bikes in the area allocated for them and if you had a trike or side car, you could be in trouble. I'm sure these teething problems will be sorted for next year.

There was plenty of stalls offering a wide variety of products including a really odd stall where you could get a picture of some scantily clad lass sitting on your bike! Another odd one was organized by Skidz where you could enter a competition to guess how long it took for a scooters engine to fail when left with the throttle on full! There was quite a crowd around that area waiting for the huge Hollywood type explosion (well I was anyway) but they’d just stop running after about 5 minutes in a very civilized way.

Live music was played all afternoon and evening (and the night before if you went to that) so you could always sit down with a beer and have a chat once you'd stuffed your face at the food stalls and watch the bands. Camping was available both nights. When are Wycombe MAG going to admit that this is a bike rally! Now that it has a private site there's really no difference between Chinnor Bike day and traditional rallies like The Lion Rally. There's even the classic porta loos (vital rally equipment) rather than the proper loos they had at the old site.

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The main charity for the show.

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It doesn't come out well in a picture but one of the scooters was making a right racket with its throttle on full.

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This was in the large empty area - perhaps there was a display involving the fire engine at some point.

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