Old Wolf Bike Show 3

July 1997
Windsor & District MAG

Just looking for an excuse to put this strange picture somewhere. It was taken at the 97 Wolf bike show which was a good laugh.
wolf97.jpg - 52 Kb

prize winner.jpg - 43 Kb Neil being presented a prize by Piglet. You can see someone with a Old Wolf 2 T-shirt in the background.

tracey.jpg - 45 Kb Tracey and her Vmax.

uncle steve.jpg - 49 Kb Uncle Steve - main organiser of the 1996 and 1997 shows.

17th October 2000. Found this review in a bag of stuff Jim gave me about two years ago.


M.A.G. Windsor & District held our third annual "OLD WOLF" bikeshow on Saturday 26th July. The day started very wet and nasty and the show committee were worried that the day was going to be a complete wash out. However the big man upstairs gave us a break and the sky cleared at about 2:30 pm. When the day finally kicked off we had less than usual bikes in the show although we did have some very fine bikes entered. Best in show went to Peter Reeves for his splendid hand built Harley Hog. Unfortunately I cannot tell you the other class winners because due to a cock up the paper work has been lost (probably due to the beer drunk on Saturday night).

The mayor of Windsor & Maidenhead Cllr Eric Wiles arrived at 3:00 pm. He toured the show with his wife, talking to several people and listening to bikers views and aims. He was pleased to give his endorsement to the show and the aims of M.A.G. He also met Dean Lindsay and his mum Kirsty, Dean suffers from Cerebral Palsy and the group had hoped to raise enough money to buy an electric wheelchair. Although, due to the poor turnout, we didn't raise anywhere near what was hoped for, we are still able to make a donation to Dean.

The evening saw things get better with four bands rucking the pub till midnight and a good time was had by all. Lots of people turned up to watch the headline band "THE RIFFS" who played an absolutely brilliant set, which helped the day end on a high note. M.A.G. Windsor & District would like to thank everybody who came along especially those who rode to the event in crap weather, the bands and the local community. A special thank you to Deadline couriers High Wycombe, and Berkshire Motorcycle Centre for their donations which helped us to raise approximately £1200. This is to be split and donated to several causes which have yet to be finalised. We hope the gods will smile upon us for next year's show and we will raise the same level of funds as we have at previous shows. If you want to meet we us and share a social evening we meet on Tuesdays at the Dedworth Arms, Dedworth Rd, Windsor between 8:30 pm and closing time, or perhaps at one of our many events throughout the year.

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