Old Wolf Bike Show 10

11th September 2004
Windsor & District MAG

This year we raised much more than last time and were able to donate £500 to MAG UK and £500 to the SADSAD club who will also have made money at the bar.

Thanks to everyone who came along or helped out on the day and especially the show organisers - Jo, Rich and Tony.

Programme    Flyer

tombola.jpg - 38 Kb trophies.jpg - 24 Kb stalls.jpg - 13 Kb bouncy castle.jpg - 29 Kb auction items.jpg - 21 Kb nail game.jpg - 43 Kb bungie pull 1.jpg - 34 Kb bungie pull 2.jpg - 36 Kb bungie pull 3.jpg - 21 Kb doggy bar.jpg - 18 Kb jo working.jpg - 34 Kb auction.jpg - 37 Kb raffle.jpg - 30 Kb best in show.jpg - 46 Kb best trike.jpg - 39 Kb showbike1.jpg - 37 Kb showbike2.jpg - 23 Kb showbike3.jpg - 42 Kb showbike4.jpg - 30 Kb showbike5.jpg - 31 Kb showbike6.jpg - 42 Kb showbike7.jpg - 36 Kb showbike8.jpg - 39 Kb showbike9.jpg - 38 Kb showbike10.jpg - 48 Kb showbike11.jpg - 40 Kb showbike12.jpg - 43 Kb showbike13.jpg - 36 Kb dancers.jpg - 25 Kb

Letter from MAG -
mag letter.jpg - 54 Kb

Here's Rich presenting the cheque to the SADSAD club -
sadsad cheque.jpg - 19 Kb

There's a guest book just for suggestions on how to make the show better. Please give us some feedback you can make the entry private if you don't want other people to see it-

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