West London Harley Riders Show

3rd August 2002
Pictures: Peter & Tony
Being very drunk: Rich

West London Harley Riders

Some pictures from the day -

auction.jpg - 44 Kb burn out.jpg - 9 Kb burnt out.jpg - 40 Kb chopper.jpg - 68 Kb harleys1.jpg - 62 Kb harleys2.jpg - 52 Kb showbike1.jpg - 44 Kb showbike2.jpg - 43 Kb sillygame1.jpg - 51 Kb sillygame2.jpg - 62 Kb sillygame3.jpg - 52 Kb sillygame4.jpg - 64 Kb sillygame5.jpg - 53 Kb sillygame6.jpg - 48 Kb

Well I missed this highlight but luckily Tony was there with his camera -
frankie1.jpg - 49 Kb frankie2.jpg - 41 Kb

I think this was the Travelers MCC getting all emotional at the end of the night -
group hug.jpg - 18 Kb
Adam found these two playnig at the Lion Rally and got them in for their show. They just do it for the fun and don't expect payment! They played in the tent outside after the bar closed until about 3.00am. Adam kindly served free drink all night that had been donated by WLHR members! What more could you ask for?
acoustic band.jpg - 20 Kb

Some more of Tony's pics -
tony pics1.jpg - 59 Kb tony pics2.jpg - 25 Kb

image6.gif - 2801 Bytes
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