Good Vibrations Party

22nd March 2003
Wycombe MAG

Words: Peter
Pictures: Peter & Tony

The parties that Wycombe MAG put on at The Gate pub in The Lee are always very friendly and fun events. This time Rob was having his stag do there so he was very very very drunk. I don't know if he remembers grabing the mike from Paul Minton and blaming Rich for any poor result that we might get in the quiz. Ironically we actually won this year - I think Margaret helped too.

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Rob won a teddy in the raffle -
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What Jan thought was champagne! Another raffle prize -
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Rich being drunk as we tried to leave -
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Dread to think what they're saying to Tony -
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Suddenly everyone was showing their tatoos -
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Margaret had her head shaved a week or two ago for charity and someone had their hair dyed blue on the evening -
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