Various pictures from 2005

Kens 40th birthday do March

Just thought I'd stick a picture in that someone sent me. Ken had a party at the SADSAD and it was great to see so many old faces there.
2005 0313Kensdo0022.jpg - 19 Kb

Fred Hill run - February

This year we had police escorts. Good turn out as usual and very cold, as usual.
police bike pig.jpg - 18 Kb fred hill run.jpg - 15 Kb ian mutch fred hill run.jpg - 14 Kb

West London Harley Riders show. 5th - 6th August

Some great bikes -
wlhr engine.jpg - 28 Kb wlhr handlebars.jpg - 33 Kb wlhr paintjob1.jpg - 21 Kb wlhr paintjob2.jpg - 42 Kb wlhr trike.jpg - 37 Kb

Black Horse bike show. 9th August

There were loads of bikes but I only took a few photos -
black horse show 1.jpg - 37 Kb black horse show 2.jpg - 33 Kb

MZ Southern Region Camp. 7th - 8th August

Held in a small town near Winchester.

Great fun was had with a range of stickers -
mz rich sticker.jpg - 19 Kb
Mally an Sandie were given some undies from Jacky - I've no idea why. Even stranger was the picture of Jacky on the undies!
mz mally undies.jpg - 24 Kb

Our lovley rep -
mz rich tongue.jpg - 18 Kb
mz sinner.jpg - 18 Kb mz tent.jpg - 12 Kb

Richards tent being hidden -
mz tent hiding.jpg - 29 Kb

More pictures from this do available here - Flickr site

Video clip
I couldn't convert this to the normal .mpg format so you'll have to try the two video formats below.
Divx format -
Part 1 (0.5Mb)
Part 2 (1.5Mb)

if that didn't work, try this - Indeo format -
Part 1 (0.5Mb)
Part 2 (4.5Mb)

If that doesn't work then try downloading the DIVX playing software from here - Then try the first links again.
I presume that'll fix it. It plays on my PC but I've installed loads of stuff on it and I can't remember where from now.

Update - managed to convert to .mpg but only at a constant screen size and bitrate. Hence the "smaller" pt1 video clip is just the same as the "larger" pt2 clip! It's a laugh. But at least this format will play on anyone's computer (I think) -
Part 1 (2.5Mb)
Part 2 (2.5Mb)

12th November - WADMAG firework do.

Loads of great fireworks and our great burgers were available too. Really good turnout (much more than shown in the picture below)
firework.jpg - 11 Kb
watching fireworks.jpg - 38 Kb Video clips -
Clip 1 (2Mb)
Clip 2 (1Mb)
Clip 3 (2Mb)

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