Just thought I'd stick a picture in that someone sent me. Ken had a party
at the SADSAD and it was great to see so many old faces there.
This year we had police escorts. Good turn out as usual and
very cold, as usual.
There were loads of bikes but I only took a few photos -
Held in a small town near Winchester.
Great fun was had with a range of stickers -
Mally an Sandie were given some undies from Jacky - I've no idea why. Even
stranger was the picture of Jacky on the undies!
Our lovley rep -
Richards tent being hidden -
More pictures from this do available here - Flickr site
Video clip
I couldn't convert this to the normal .mpg format so you'll have to try
the two video formats below.
Divx format -
Part 1 (0.5Mb)
Part 2 (1.5Mb)
if that didn't work, try this - Indeo format -
Part 1 (0.5Mb)
Part 2 (4.5Mb)
If that doesn't work then try downloading the DIVX playing software from here
- http://www.divx.com/divx/play/download/. Then try the first links again.
I presume that'll fix it. It plays on my PC but I've
installed loads of stuff on it and I can't remember where from now.
Update - managed to convert to .mpg but only at a constant screen size and
bitrate. Hence the "smaller" pt1 video clip is just the same as the "larger"
pt2 clip! It's a laugh. But at least this format will play on anyone's
computer (I think) -
Part 1 (2.5Mb)
Part 2 (2.5Mb)
12th November - WADMAG firework do.
Loads of great fireworks and our great burgers were available too. Really good
turnout (much more than shown in the picture below)
Video clips -
Clip 1 (2Mb)
Clip 2 (1Mb)
Clip 3 (2Mb)