Six representatives of the Windsor MAG headed off for Henley on the Friday evening at speeds of up to 40mph. The pace was set by Jo’s heavily modified Honda Fireblade - so heavily modified that it looks and performs exactly like a Honda H100. Only the stickers on the side give away the true identity to the experienced observer.
Upon arrival we were all given a bag of sweets and a nice metal badge! Met up with the rest of Windsor MAG - Chris.
The bands were good but the bar shut at 11pm.
We decided to win the Treasure hunt in the name of the Windsor MAG. Carl and Richard won by employing the following techniques -
Chris almost won us the swing arm throwing - 2nd place.
Stuart must have won the award for most blood lost during the wheel barrow jousting. If only he’d worn a full face crash hat - they should be made compulsory.
Peter provided the most amusement for the dizzy sticks. Several people injured themselves laughing at this pathetic attempt.
Ruined by some chaps parading as a band but in fact were only interested in employing their instruments as aural torture devices. They are playing Reading bike show next year. Think we’ll give it a miss.
Free sweets and a badge.
Some bloke with a ‘really nice arse and gorgeous hair’ for Jo to watch all evening.
Cheap booze and good cheap food.
Proper toilets - where were the porta-loos ?
Soft toilet paper provided - this really isn’t on for a bike show.
Last ‘band’ on Saturday.
Did you pull or what Chris?