Gremlin Bike Show 1999

5th September 1999
North Herts MAG

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At the Eclipse rally North Herts MAG pinched our flag as part of the offical MAG rules - the ones where you are supposed to get at least five people to go and retrieve it at an agreed date. They'd done it because they'd had some publicity problems with their bike show so they were trying to get a few more people along to their party on the 4th and the bike show on the 5th. But they did not know about our bike show on the 4th so it all went a bit poo. I was the only person who could be bothered to do the 45 miles to Baldock to retrieve it on the Sunday. I realised nobody was turning up but I went anyway because it was a really nice day and I enjoyed the ride up there.

pub.jpg - 29 Kb Despite the publicity problems, there was quite a few people there.

trike.jpg - 54 Kb Some of the bikes/trikes on show.

I grabbed a burger from the barbie that was being ran by Women in the Wind MC and found Scouse. They'd had the party the night before and still managed to get up on the Sunday to do the bike show bit! It all seemed to be going well so I guess you don't have to have too straight a head to run a bike show. They even had membership forms on the MAG stand which was one step up from our show on the previous day!

I bumped into Clive when I got there who is sort of a Windsor MAG member (he's the regional rep and lives in Windsor). I noticed that the Reading MAG flag was also waiting to be claimed along with ours.

I had a chat with Scouse and Wink about the flag who didn't seem to be decided what to do about it. I hung around until half way through the raffle which didn't want to end because the winners either didn't hear their number or because they'd gone home. I found out later that I could have got the flag back if I'd waited another 10 mins or so. Clive retrieved the Reading MAG flag but didn't feel that he could pretend to be from two MAG groups so ours is still there!

As I rode home, contemplating how I was going to stir some sort of enthusiasm out of Windsor & District to go and get the flag back one Monday night, I noticed that the sky was looking rather dark in the direction that I was heading. I was about to turn onto the M40 from the M25 (yes I went on the motorway on the way back - boring) when I smelt rain so I sped up a little but by the time I'd reached my junction it had started to rain a little. I'd only got about 2 or 3 miles to go so I thought I'd make a dash for it rather than stopping to put the water proof leggings on that I keep under the seat. This was a big mistake. Within 30 seconds there was thunder and lightning very close and torrential rain. As the freezing cold rain made it's way into my groin area, I continued thinking how I was going to get anyone from Windsor MAG down in order to distract myself from the ice like effect running down into my private parts. I think the offer of a lift in the c*r could be appropriate! Yep, if it rains, a c*r would be a good idea to encourage them.

My leather jacket was still damp on Tuesday morning and the jeans were still hanging up over the bath. That night I suggested a visit and a few people didn't run out of the pub screaming so maybe we'll make it - you never know.

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