Ghosts - Were you soaked to the bone?

2nd - 4th July 1999

Click on any of the photo's for a bigger version.

dry zone.jpg - 30 Kb

Can you make out that sign in the picture above "Dry zone" ? That area was supposed to be one of the only areas that you could walk around without getting attacked by people with huge toy water pistols!

bandit.jpg - 14 Kb A strange looking Bandit I saw whilst wandering around the site.

insane.jpg - 31 Kb Damian makes use of an air bed for a wind break. Later to be seen with the rest of Insane MCC doing a syncronised burn-out on the grass for our entertainment!

richard.jpg - 35 Kb It's all too much for Richard so he has a lie down. I think this is the first rally that Richard went to without getting really drunk.

show.jpg - 38 Kb One of the bikes at the show.

trike.jpg - 39 Kb Is this the most ugly trike you've seen?

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