Slough council have told us that they are considering a few locations for motorcycle parking and may be meeting in Jan/Feb or maybe April/May. Some mention was made of giving us space outside the library where the bycycles currently park. In the mean time we have been advised to park illegally (we believe) on the pavement in bicycle parking areas or in car parking spaces.
My personal response to this (and I think most MAG members would agree) is :
1) The current solution is not adequate and should be resolved as soon as possible, not at some indeterminate future date when they may do something.
2) The new area should have been designated and implemented before the old one was removed.
3) I am not happy riding on a busy pavement to go and park in a cyclists parking area. It is dangerous for pedestrians and myself, often full up with cyclists and a traffic warden could give me a ticket.
4) Although we only pay half price for parking in a car parking place there are several
problems with this.