MAG-ic donation

MAG charity buggy - 41Kb
August 31st 1995

NOT Hell's Angels, but angelic nevertheless...

Charitable chaps from the local Motorcycle Action Group gathered to present a brand new shopping buggy to folk at the Warren Court Residential Home, Farnham Common.

The men from MAG raised almost £2,000 for the buggy at the August Dedworth Bike Fair, an annual day of stalls, games and - of course - motorcycles, for children and families as well as motorbike buffs.

The nationwide organsiation lobbies for bikers rights and saftey on the road, and aims to give motorcycling a better reputation.

Local representative Neil Trehearn, 33, said : "We try to dispel the 'greasy biker' image!"

He added charity events, such as the bike fair, give MAG the chance to come into contact with people who would not normally go to serious motorcycling rallies.

Pictured watching pensioner Julie Trafford get to grips with the new buggy are (left to right) Mark Winks, Jim Brookes-Tombs, Neil Trehearn, Bryan Parry-Jones, Kevin Gladwell and Warren Court helper Iris Dawson.

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